Saturday, January 24, 2009

Have I been In a coma? Its already 2009!

O.K. first off, let me say that not having written ANY sort of a blog for those devoted fans I hope I still have (you know who you are or were) I apologize. There, that wasn't so bad! I haven't been in a coma, as much as I have been too busy to write (a poor excuse, but I feel a somewhat good excuse). O.K. since my last blog W-A-Y back in june 08' a lot has happened to both me and the world. I was doing a summer production of the foreigner in livingston, Mt. The show was a smash hit (by community theatre standards anyway). After the show ended, I auditioned for the musical "Oliver" at the same theatre. Talk about putting myself thru pain and misery. There were so many children in the production, which by the way was my first production I have EVER done with more than a couple children (were talking 1-2 max), I would've rather had a triple root canal (now rinse and spit). The show was actually a lot more fun than I had expected. Maybe due to the fact I played the undertaker in the show and there were 2 coffins in case any children were getting out of control (has anyone seen oliver)? After oliver was over, I took a much needed break from the stage (now I know how mickey rourke felt). I had way too much entertainment popping up all over to catch up on! Between t.v. music, movies, and dvd I was a very busy boy! First off the new t.v. season. With D housewives, Ugly Betty, Top Chef, and a few new series starting up I was in DVR heaven! Fast forward to current to date and we have American Idol back as well as Hell's Kitchen (that Gorden Ramsey is such a nice and calm mentor).

Music. The one and only one album (is that still a word we use) I wanted to download (there we go), was of course-BRITNEY!
I love it! She is back and leaner, meaner (o.k. maybe not mean), and cleaner than ever. So much so, that I purchased tickets to see her in concert this coming April in Salt Lake City (who knew Utah condones thrusting and grinding in a public forum). After the release of Britney's new album (or c.d. or download you get the idea), not much else really came out to take my breath away (shameless I know). I did download "lady ga-ga". She makes Britney, Janet, Madge, and Christina all look like nuns with good habits. Miss lady is going to give these diva's a run for her money. And what's up with Beyonce's music video for single ladies (put a ring on it)? Maybe you didn't get the ring because you were too demanding and you were pressuring your man too much to tie that knot! The video has everyone from JT to large and burley men wearing a black dancing outfit and recreating her song. Some were pretty funny. Some weren't bad. And most, well let's just say I know why your single!

Movies. BATMAN! HEATH! AWESOME! Need I say more ( I think not)!

DVD'S. BATMAN! HEATH! AWESOME! again, you get the idea.

I just returned from the inauguration of our 44th president Barack Obama! It was an awesome experience. Over 1.8 million people were there to witness history. The energy in the crowd from the sea of people was incredible. I wish I could've met Barack and Michelle (one day my fellow americans). When George W. Bush came out before the inauguration ceremony for Obama, the crowd of people started to sing NA-NA-NA-NA. NA-NA-NA-NA. HEY HEY HEY! GOODBYE! How appropriate.

Well, I hope I have caught you up on a very long and busy 6 months. I swear, as a blogger with a fan base of 5 (could be just myself now), I promise I will blog at least once a week no matter what my schedule is going to be (thank god for DVR). Until next time I send you best dishes from my family to yours (no, I am not sending you our good china to use for your pleasure).


buckycatt said...

Wow! We are honored and humbled to have you back! Alas you forgot to mention the yumminess that was Twilight. And I know you saw it ;) Can't wait to hear all about Virginia does DC!!!

Christopher DeJohn said...

I forgot about twilight! Yumminess is right! and as far as miss Hamm's trip to see Barack, you already got the scoop sista!