In case you've been out of the loop ( and we've all been there), then you've all heard that Michael Jackson's Neverland ranch is being foreclosed on, and put up for auction in a month. Poor Michael. I wonder I'f little sister Janet, will let him stay with her for awhile? (Don't do it girl! Show some restraint)! We will have to see how that unravels. I downloaded janet's new c.d. on tuesday. I actually like it. It's the old janet back with us again (its like she went to bad music making rehab). She switched it up, with some new producers for this album. It sounds like her old school janet, way back in the day (pass the lemon lime drink "slice" please). Check it out. You'll be glad you did! (God, I sound like one of those lame ass infommercials. Yikes)!
I have a bone to pick with advertisers, who use celebrity's to endorse their products on t.v. I like most of the commercials that I have seen (and paid attention to) on t.v. Then the other day while working out (yes, I work out some of the time), I look up at the t.v. they had on at the gym (one of 8 to be exact) and I see this commercial for tide detergent, and of all the people tide could've used, they use Kelly Ripa! OMG! (ooh my god, for those of you who aren't savvy with computer lingo. OK)! I can't stand her! The commercial shows her at a dinner party (you know she just invited herself), and someone else at dinner is talking with their fork, which has food on it (I think you know where this is going). The food plops off the fork, onto the white (of course, typical. Like it would show up on a light blue or brown) tablecloth, and everyone is in shock, ceasing all conversation at the table to see this one "accident" happen. (give me a break, it's just a piece of food, no one peed on the tablecloth. O.K. like that would happen either). All of a sudden, Kelly (miss stain fighter. I wonder I'f she'd disappear, I'f we used Tide on her? Let's try it shall we), stands up from the table and says she'll take care of it. So she pulls the entire table cloth off the table like houdini (who by the way is watching from beyond the grave thinking what a bitch!) and removes it without disturbing anything on top of the table. She then washes it, then puts it back the way she took it off the table (now Houdini is REALLY pissed off). I never liked Kelly. Now this commercial confirms it! My god, its bad enough that she's with regis every day, (poor regis) now we have to see her "magic" with tide.
Don't they make tide to go in a take with you stick form? Use it regis! I dare you! Ba-bye Kelly
Finally, I read on line this morning that that Miley Cyrus (Hannah for those fans who know her as hannah), was on the tonight show last night, and she drank an entire bottle of squeeze ketchup. That's what makes her #1 for a pop princess. We need to pass the ketchup off to britney, and see what happens (its a bloody mary in a bottle brit. Try it. Go on. Good girl)! That's all I have for now. Kathy Griffin thursday was yesterday for those of you, who actually remember. I am still working on trying to get her to montana, either bozeman or missoula. I am going to call the booking agent on monday morning, and let you all know how that went. Hope you will all go and check out a movie this weekend. I'm going to go see "semi pro" tomorrow night. I would also like to see "penelope" with Christina Ricci. Until monday..........