Friday, February 22, 2008

Back from the eye doctor. Still have perfect vision!!

I just got back from going to my eye appointment,  which we'll get to in a minute.  First,  I wanted to let all of you (5),  know that I rented American Gangster last night.  I loved it!  I have always liked Denzel,  and have liked a few movies from Mr. Crowe,  but this movie was excellent!  I think I may even buy it (which anyone who knows me,  knows I hardly ever buy movies to own).  I used the new "red box" dvd movie rental system.  For only $1.00 you can rent a movie.  Not to shabby!  I had gone to Albertson's to do some shopping anyway,  so I thought I'd see I'f the movie was at the red box there.  It wasn't in stock.  So,  determined to watch it last night,  I drove to Smith's which also has a red box.  When I got there,  this woman with her daughter who was about 3 or 4 years old (the daughter,  not the mom),  were both picking out a couple movies.  About 10 minutes later.....  Hello!  I need my movie,  and I want it now!  When you let a child pick a movie,  it tends to take a little longer (o.k. even some adults are just as bad)!  I finally got up to the screen,  and it was in!  Great movie.  I recommend everyone watch it (except that little girl)!  So today,  I went to return it,  no problem.  But I wanted to rent Michael Clayton,  which was out.  So I drove to Albertson's,  to see If it was in at the red box there.  I walked in,  and the red box is next to a u.s. bank a.t.m machine.  This woman was standing in the middle of both the red box and the a.t.m.( and talking on her cell phone,  while standing there)!   I couldn't tell I'f she was waiting for the red box or the a.t.m. There was somebody using the a.t.m. in front of her,  so I assumed (which you never  do,  I think we all know what happens) that she was waiting to use that,  and not the red box.  So I cut in front of her,  found my movie (hooray),  and started to leave.  As I was leaving,  she decided to use the red box.  At least she wasn't all in my face like "excuse me,  I am using that".  Which my response would have been "really?  then get off your damn cell phone,  and ACTUALLY use the machine".  But It didn't come to that,  and I have my movie!

O.K. now onto my eye appt.  So, I get there a few minutes early (10,  but who's counting),  to check in and to fill out paper work.  The receptionist,  whose name I didn't catch,  we'll call her mousy.  She just reminded me of a mousy type woman.  Anyway,  mousy asks me to fill out my form,  and she asks me I'f the D and the E in my last name are both capital's?  I tell her no,  The D and the J are.  Then she says as I hand her my forms,  "o.k. John I would offer you a seat,  but were in the process of remodeling the office".  John?  Try Christopher.  And the fact they're remodeling the office,  which is in Costco,  is hilarious!  The space is as big as my kitchen at home.  Mousy proceeds to call me john at least 3 more times,  while I'm waiting to see the Dr.  Then the Dr.  emerges from her office (nice effect huh),  and she asks mousy to take my eye measurements with that air blowing machine they use on each eye.  Well,  they just got all new equipment in yesterday,  but mousy wasn't there to learn how to use it (that would've been helpful for her).  She stands up from her desk,  and walks around to set up the equipment.  She's walking slower than an 80 year old woman.  She looks at me and says "I'm o.k. I was lifting some ice blocks yesterday,  and threw my back out."  Now we know where she was during training.  I was gonna offer to get her some ice for the pain but thought that would've been to cruel (actually,  I just thought of it as I was typing it.  I should've offered her some ice)!
I'm sitting there with my chin on the chin rest of the machine,  my forehead resting where it should be.  Mousy was trying to line up my pupils with a green light,  which she kept saying repeatedly "do you see the green light yet?"    No,  I don't,  I thought to myself sitting there.  Then she kept cursing under her breath lowly so I wouldn't hear her (but I did.  In fact,  some shoppers walking by the office with their carts heard her).  Then she apologized for swearing the 3 times she did swear.  I wanted to say "ooh,  no fucking problem!"  I was finally whisked away into the exam room,  had my eyes examined (clean bill of health),  and paid my bill.  I picked out a new set of frames,  which will be here in 2 weeks.  I'm so excited!  I haven't had new frames in 3 years.  The new frames I bought are made by Nike (who knew).  I will post a picture on here with my old frames,  and my new frames and you all (5) can tell me I'f you like them.  Finally,  I did send Kathy my usual weekly e-mail yesterday.  You can book her,  but you have to call this booking agency,  which handles kathy's shows she performs.  I'm going to call on monday,  and see how much it'll be to have her in montana.  Like I said yesterday,  donations will be accepted for this event.  Let me know!  Congratulations to J-Lo and Mark anthony.  They are the proud parents of twins,  one boy and one girl!  I'm sure they'll sell out to people or US weekly for the photos.  Can't wait to see them!  I will be back on monday with an oscar wrap up from sunday evening.  I have to tape them,  and then watch when I get home from work.  But,  you know I am not going to pass up on trashing bad fashion,  and who won and who didn't!  Until monday,  have a great weekend!  Kathy,  I love you,  and wish you'd write soon!!

1 comment:

buckycatt said...

I can't figure out if you are brave or crazy to trust your eye care to mousy @ Costco!