Monday, April 14, 2008

And the winner going to Mohegan Sun to see Kathy is?

O.K. as all of you (5) know, I entered the Miss Kathy contest almost 2 weeks ago. The deadline for entries was this past thursday, April 10th. It is now Monday, April 14th, and still no sign of who the winner's are. I have had 186 hits on you tube, since I posted my blog 10 days ago. Not bad. My video entry, is also on Kathy's forum site right when you click on it. I know I won, or at least I think I have. This wait is killing me! This is just as bad as waiting to read or hear about an audition for the firehouse 5 in livingston (even hollywood rejects or accepts you quicker). Whether I win or not, I at least tried, and I won't give up on my quest to meet Miss Kathy in person one day. I'f she were smart, she'd meet me now and get it over with (wouldn't you)

Sorry it has been so long, since I wrote on my blog. This Kathy contest has been my new obsession (but not in a stalky way, too expensive to fly to L.A. to hide behind a shrub. That just isn't me). Britney was yet again in another fender bender this past weekend. Well, at least her accidents aren't as frequent as they used to be, and are spread further apart (sorta like her legs. Closed for cleaning, come back when more stable). I was able to watch D. Housewives last night (hooray), but forgot to record the episode longer and it was cut off. Now I have to watch the episode on, and put up with those annoying ads. At least I can skip to the end of the episode. Dirt had its season finale last night also. Haven't watched it yet, but when the season only had 6 episodes, it shouldn't take too long. Oprah is going to be a guest star on 30 rock, playing Tina Fey's best friend. Hmm. I wonder I'f Oprah will be a true best friend, and bring the entire cast new cars, or just crappy gift basket's filled with cookies and muffins?

That's all I have for this edition. I will be back on wednesday, and hopefully with some news either way about the Kathy contest. Until then, have a great couple of days, that are starting your work weeks. Don't forget your lunches, and come straight home afterwards!

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