Friday, February 27, 2009

OMG! Not 1 single comment from last week's blog?

I can't believe its been a week and not even 1 blog comment from last week! Am I losing my touch (yeah right). Maybe you were all too bust watching the Oscars (that must be it). We had a small gathering here at the house that night. Food, beer, wine, and Mr. Oscar himself. I was hoping (and I do mean hoping and praying), that Hugh Jackman would've been naked as they had reported earlier the week before on line. No such luck, but he did look dapper in his tux and wavey hair (I can imagine him naked)!

Slum dog millionaire won 8 oscars. Sean Penn (dump the misses for me) won for best actor for Milk. Kate Winslet won for best actress for the reader (which I have yet to see). penelope Cruz won for best supporting actress and heath ledger won for best supporting actor for the dark knight. All in all, it was a good show, minus the dance/musical montage half-way thru with beyonce, zach efron, and hugh (again). I liked the opening musical number hugh had done at the beginning of the broadcast, but do we REALLY need another during the overly bearing long show? I'd rather see paint dry on sean penn's body (pass me a brush)!

It wouldn't be an oscar's show, without winners and losers of fashion. Miley cyrus or should I say ye old christmas tree. All she needed was a star on her head and bam! Sophia Loren. I know your the most ageless actress around (minus joan collins), but that dress you wore was hideous! It looked like a gown you had in a garment bag for over 50 years! Then Jessica Beil (why she was there was beyond me). Your dress looked like a drapery you pulled off your curtain rod from your living room window (it looks better on the window, trust me)! Miss viola from the movie doubt looked like she was auditioning to be a solid gold dancer rather than attend for best supporting actress!

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