Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I just watched Paula's music video. I think I'm gonna throw up!

Happy new work week everyone (how exciting).  We have a lot to cover today,  but then again don't we always!  I was reading a review on yahoo this morning,  about Paula Abdul's new music video for her new single,  which I can't remember the song title (that shows you how much the song impressed me)!  Randy Jackson,  her idol judge sidekick wrote the song for her (who knew the "dog" was so talented with words).  Yahoo had the video to watch,  and of course I watched!  What a waste of my three minutes (refund please)!  Don't get me wrong,  I love Paula and she has had some good songs in her day (who could forget promise me your not gay...I mean promise of a new day).  But she just doesn't make the cut for me (Paula,  your fired)!  Her music video shows her dancing with her dancers (in case she falls,  they can pick her up),  in the same dance moves she had back in the "coldhearted" video.  She had a lot of pelvic thrusting going on (I thought she was having a seizure.  Can we give paula her medication please)!  Her moves are so stale.  I've seen better moves at a senior citizen bingo night (B 12).  I love ya paula,  but stick with what you know.  Talking gibberish while drooling through the mouth,  and making crazy comments,  that make no sense and that will have you in a lawsuit.  THAT'S the paula we all love!  The rock and roll hall of fame had their inductee ceremony last night.  I didn't know Madonna was going to be inducted.  No one sent me the memo!  From what I read on line this morning,  she was introduced by Justin Timberlake (suck up boy).  She was all teary eyed at the honor (who wouldn't be?  Maybe Paula),  but they said all the other performer's who were inducted performed but her!  Now that's what I call a diva!  How dare she not perform anything from her long list of songs,  that got her to that point in her career (take that away from her!  I bet Paula would've performed)!  And to top that one step higher,  she didn't even thank her family!  None.  Not Guy,  Rocco,  Lourdes,  her own father!  Now that's just being a BITCH!  But I still love her (although the love meter has gone down a little,  after hearing that)!  Congrats Madonna!  And the next time you win an award,  TRY to thank somebody (a dry cleaner maybe).
10,000 B.C. was the #1 movie this past weekend.  I wanna see it,  but not that badly.  Well,  I'f there's a lot of shirtless cavemen running around with loin cloths,  then count me in!  Just like the music scene (now that's what I call music 27?  Let it go already),  there hasn't been any one movie I want to see.  I do plan on buying no country for old men,  which is out on dvd today.  Matt Damon,  and his wife are expecting what I assume is their first child,  since that's all the internet seems to be talking about (who cares)!  Britney's dad,  and her ex Kevin Federline were spotted playing golf together.  Their doing it for Britney!  Girl,  you'd better snap back into your old body soon,  and kick some ass!  What is your father doing with your ex hubbie?  Only the 2 of them really know (playing with balls,  but not the golfing kind)!  I have decided to NOT put a video on you tube for Kathy's contest.  I plan on entering once a day,  until the contest deadline.  I'f I win,  I win.  I know it sounds like I'm giving up,  but I'm not!  I WILL meet Kathy one day,  either in person or a court of law!  But It's going to happen,  believe me.  That's all I have for today.  I'll be back on Kathy Thursday!  Have a great day,  and stay away from the Paula video!

1 comment:

buckycatt said...

I thought Madonna had a new album coming out, but you haven't mentioned a thing about it, and if she didn't perform she must not be pushing it very hard. Something about the last album of a previous contract.