So, last night Mike and I went to see the hilarious movie "Juno". We went to the campus square theater's just to change it up. Every time we go see a movie at the hollywood theater, the popcorn they sell there, makes me sick to my stomach(pepto anyone?) But the popcorn last night at campus square was just right(and cheaper). The movie was so funny! Although, there were a couple of distractions in the theater(no, that NEVER happens!) First off this loud mouth (ho bag) sitting directly in back of me with her boyfriend or her one nighter, who knows(or cares), kept talking through the entire first hour of the movie! I turned and gave her that "be quiet or I'll throw my flat root beer in your face" half turn look at her! That didn't shut her up, so I told mike that she was being too loud(I could hear her breathing, which she shouldn't be doing during a movie!) and he turned ALL the way around and glared at her, and she FINALLY shut up. Now, I have learned after going to see several movies, to tune people out when they are being rude(beats a police record any day!) but this dumb bitch was driving me nuts! Its like the time I went to see the movie "Titanic" when I lived in butte. First off, I went with my ex partner(al), who Had already seen the movie once before. During the entire movie I had to listen to these 2 older(not 80, but sounded like 80) women talking to themselves in their "outloud" voices, debating on which movies they've seen the actress Kathy Bates in. They kept disagreeing on what movie they saw her in. Of course, the movie they WERE thinking of was Misery, But did I turn around and become rude, and say "It was misery, the same place IM in right now listening to this stupid conversation during a movie were all trying to watch!" No, I didn't. But it gets even better! My ex(al) decides to scare me during the part of titanic, where they show the passengers who were dead floating in the water who didn't make it off the boat alive. He sits there, and grabs me by my arm and says "don't you feel like your apart of the movie right now, don't you feel like your also one of the bodies floating on the water that are dead?" I thought (no, but I wish you'd be quiet and shut up, or your going to be joining the other passengers who didn't make it alive!) But did I say that in my out loud voice, NO! back to last night. O.K. the girl behind me finally shuts up. But then this girl sitting in front of us, (more towards the far right of us) and her 2 other friends, was texting on her phone the entire time. I didn't notice it, Mike did. I only noticed she had her phone out, when she dropped it in the theater, and you could hear it hit the floor(I admit, I did laugh on the inside, like serves you right for bringing your phone into the movie and typing!) The point of all this that Im trying to make is this. If you wanna talk out loud, go to a rock concert! Use your "whisper" voice during a movie. And stop texting during a movie! Is what your texting THAT important, it can't wait for 90 minutes? I think it is! Unless your choking on a jujubee or a popcorn kernel, and you can't talk, so you send a text to a friend or family member telling them your in the theater gagging, and you need to have an ambulance right away. "Im in the movie Juno, second theater from the lobby on the right, third row down, right side. Im wearing a blue sweater, and turning blue at this very moment! Now hurry! The movie? Its hilarious! No, she couldn't come, something came up. Yes, i did. Now hurry!" Stop texting in a movie! Its just as bad as texting while DRIVING!
Finally, I read in the paper this morning India's TATA(probably named after a woman's body parts, cute guys!)motors unveiled a new car you car purchase for $2500.00(sweet!) Only there's no A/C (o.k. that's not too bad), no passenger side mirror, (o.k. I can stick my head out the window to see who's coming, no problem) and finally, no radio. I don't think so! Im not going to purchase a car(even though its brand new) for 2500.00, and not have even a radio to listen to. I suppose I could listen to my i-pod while driving(dorky). It does get 50 m.p.g. though. And the tires look like mini doughnuts you'd pass on at the bakery, so new tires that are much bigger! Maybe I'll buy one. Maybe I won't. But it was worth mentioning!
No Tata for you. The car won't be sold in the US, as it doesn't meet US crash standards. Hey the name's not that bad... at least they didn't call the company Vajayjay. (imagine the maketing posssibilities!)
Rude people in movie theaters irk me. People act as if they're in their living rooms.
I only whisper very important thangs during the movie, like pass the gummy bears cause I'm bored. Oh wait that was in Charlie Wilson's War. Juno rocked, esp the kids.
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