Thursday, January 31, 2008

Your gone for 2 days, and all heck breaks loose!

Since writing on my blog monday,  I can't believe how much stuff we need to catch up on (all 5 of us,  still waiting for Kathy)!  Yesterday was a huge day of events.  First off,  I read on line that Tyra (she should drop her last name,  and just be known by a single name you know like Cher or Celine) is going to develop a new reality show,  and the winner will land a fashion magazine contract,  to work at the magazine.  Now that's a show I WILL audition for!  I have fashion sense (o.k. their was the one time when I was at orientation for college,  and I wore vertical striped shorts with a horizontal shirt,  but other than that,  I've been on track).  I know not to wear white after labor day (t-shirts are o.k.) and not to wear white socks with dress shoes and dress pants (come on,  the Michael Jackson look with white socks and slacks is over!  Move along to the dress socks department)!  I will have to find out,  how to apply for the show.  Also yesterday,  I see that their going to make new versions of both Freddy Krueger,  and Friday the 29th,  I mean the 13th (Its been so long going.  When will Jason finally be able to rest in the lake in peace?) movies.  Of course being the horror/slasher movie fan that I am  (more like sucker),  I will go see both.  Then I'll go home from the movie,  and be in the bathroom getting ready for bed,  and fling the shower curtain open because I think they will both be waiting for me (although I do have a clear see through shower curtain.  Could you pass me my toothbrush?  Thanks Jason!) I can't believe that movies like that STILL make me scared after the fact.

Yesterday also saw 2 of our presidential hopefuls drop out of the race.  John Edwards (not bad looking.  He'd be good for a one nighter!) and Rudy Giuliani (he can finally go back to doing his drag routine in vegas at the freemont street theatre!)  Now we only have McCain (sounds like a bad sandwich named by McDonald's),  Romney,  Huckabee (I did see the movie,  not bad!),  Hilary,  and Obama.  I thought of this bumper sticker just this morning for Obama.  "Tell your mama,  to vote for Obama!"  Not bad (duh!)  And the race goes on.......

Last night was the big night,  The Blue Man Group concert.  It was very entertaining!  The "men" had a warm up act and his name was Mike Relm.  He was from San Fransisco (so gay),  and he used a combination of d.j. style mixing of scratching records,  and mixing it with images on a big t.v. screen.  25 minutes later (thank god!) he was done,  and the "men" came on the stage.  They put on a great show!  I was kinda hoping to see some nudity,  but no such luck!  Maybe that's a vegas thing!  Anyway,  they played music on huge drum barrels with multi colored light coming out of each one.  They had skits,  audience participation, ( blah,  blah,  blah).  I would love to see them again,  but in vegas.  They did say they were giving away a trip for 4 to see them in vegas at the venetian,  If you went to their website,  and subscribed to their newsletter. (you think Im going to give you the website,  so my chances are even slimmer of winning?  NO Way!  o.k. If you want it,  let me know,  and I'll give it to you!)

I also read on yahoo this morning about a little girl who's 10 years old,  earning a degree in vetarinary medicine.  I can't tie my shoes some mornings,  but she earned a degree!  Mind you,  If you take your pet to her,  make sure she knows your pet is a REAL dog or cat.  One slight distraction and she will not be paying attention to what she's doing!  "Look,  its britney going to the hospital,  for her mental illness!"  All of a sudden,  the needle slips out of her hands,  and lands on your pet where it shouldn't have!  Poor fluffy!

Finally,  the list of top "Cash Queens of Music"  were announced.  MADONNA was #1 (hooray!) followed by "babs" Barbara S.  Then Saline,  I mean Celine was 3rd.  Shakira (hoochie) was 4th. Beyonce was 5th,  Gwen Stephani (who's expecting her second child.  That trailer park is becoming a reality even faster) was 6th.  Christina A. was 7th,  followed by Faith Hill at 8th (Tim the hubby,  is so yummy!  Somebody stop me!  NO REALLY!) The Dixie Chicks were 9th,  and finally Mariah Carey was 10th (finally,  she cracked into the top 10 of some list!)  Britney ranked 14th (maybe it wasn't a good year for brit?  Just a feeling Im getting!)

That's all I have for this blog (thank god!  It was the longest I've ever written)!  Happy Kathy Griffin thursday!  I will be back on saturday with an update on the tryouts from monday,  and what part I received,  and also whether or not miss Kathy finally responds (I think we all know how that shapes up already)!  Have a good one!  and as Tim Gunn would say "Carry ON"! 

1 comment:

buckycatt said...

I heard the Blue Men put on a a good show, but they still scare me!